Monday, December 13, 2010

Plaster Cloth Bank

We had a lot of fun building these plaster cloth banks.
Here is the material list and instructions. Pretty easy.

Material list

Plaster cloth
Found objects for eyes and feet, etc.
Masking tape
Acrylic paint
varnish sealer

First you want to cut a hole in the top. We made it bigger then traditional banks so we didn't have to use a plug at the bottom to get money out.

Next tape on all your found objects, eyes, nose, feet, etc.
Plaster cloth the whole bank. If you rub the plaster cloth with your finger after you put each piece on it smoothes out the tiny holes in the plaster cloth and gives it a smoother look.
Let dry 1 to 2 days.
Paint with acrylic paint, after 7 days you can varnish.

You can also finish the banks with tissue paper and hard coat Mod Podge and it has a totally different look. You can varnish after a week. The cat photo is done in tissue paper.

ENJOY!           Check out DIY By Design

My sons bank. I love it!


  1. I just found your blog through Made by Joel. That is such a neat project.

  2. Thank you. I will be displaying more projects as we make them in class.

  3. That is very cool. I am hosting a blog party. The link opens up tonight at 8pmEST. I would love for you to come and join in the party and link up this awesome project. Hope to see you there.

  4. Hi Judy
    Sorry I missed it just got my power back. Hopefully I will be able to link up again.

  5. Such a cool project. Thanks so much for stopping by and linking up to my party. I am following you back. Hope to see you again at next week's party.
