Monday, May 16, 2011

Letter Initial Drawing Art Project

I had the kids do a fun drawing project last week. They cut out there initials in cardboard and then traced the initials in different colors spacing about 1/4" apart. I encouraged the the kids to draw them in different directions. Some drew them closer together. And some drew them in opposite directions. They really had fun with it. Enjoy! 
Looking for interesting things for your kids to do this summer check out art projects at Coolstuffartgallery


  1. This is fun and funky! I will have to try this out with my kids! Cool Stuff Art Gallery rocks!!!

  2. Cool i love makin gstuuf like this for my kids and espesicaly home made banners for birthdays,holidays,etc. and it is also a great activity for them to do while they are bored and they also have an awesome time doing it and it is really, easy, cool, and fun so they can make posters for theyr doors or even make some on cards!! Cool Stuff Art Gallery Rock!!!
