Monday, August 22, 2011

Critter Monster Plaster Cloth Art Project

Hello fun, artsy people. I wanted to share a project we did in art class at the beginning of the year. I had the kids make a critter/monster sculpture. It had to be at least 12' high or wide and it had to stand or sit. Newspaper can be twisted , crumpled, and rolled to make many shapes. You can also use bottle caps, small boxes, etc for facial features. Make sure you tape your sculpture tight and secure limbs and facial features well. After plaster cloth dry's for a few days paint, give your critter/monster a name and sign your project.
Have fun!! 



  1. I have one little art boy that is gonna love this brilliant project, Christine! Great idea!

  2. Thanks Erin! The kids love to make sculptures out of newspaper. The boys really liked the critter/monster thing :-)
