Friday, August 12, 2011

Favorite Friday Artists Mushroom Art

Mushroom City Art by PatinaCollaborative

10 Orange Wool Felted Mushrooms by StemellinaSupplies

Paper Mushroom Woodlet - Inkcap Mushroom by paperscissorstone

Modern Mushroom Wall Clock - Red by decoylab

Happy Friday Everyone!  Favorite Friday Artists this week is mushrooms. I love mushrooms. When I was a kid heading up to our camp in the Adirondacks in NY my dad would always stop along the road and pick mushrooms. Us kids would help. He knows everything about mushrooms which one to eat which ones to not eat, if there is a mushroom book out they he has it. My brothers are all mushroom pickers to. My dad just turned 80 and to this day he still picks mushrooms during season.

Hope you enjoy the fun, colorful, unique mushroom art finds as much as I do :-)
Happy Mushroom Hunting!

1 comment:

  1. I love mushrooms (must be all the time I spent watching the Smurfs as a kid!) I especially love those "Paper Mushroom Woodlet" pieces... so delicate and beautiful!
