Friday, September 23, 2011

Favorite Friday Artists Autumn Shades

Coffee Brown Autumn Leaf with Layers of Dark Chocolate, Sepia, Umber, and Tan - Abstract Embroidery Hoop Fiber Art 4"  by sometimesiswirl

String art on wood- yellow, mustard, and navy by hownowdesign

Spiral Bracelet Bangle, Sterling Silver, Orange, Red, Yellow, Desert... by taylorseclectic

Fox pillow in burnt orange by katedurkin

Origami Butterflies in Shades of Orange by laylaloustudio

Happy Friday everyone! Well today is the first day of Autumn. The summer has just flown by. Hope you all had a great summer. We had quite a busy one this year. Here are some great Autumn art finds I wanted to share with you. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do :-)

1 comment:

  1. That bracelet is so cool! And how cute is the fox? I love him!
