Monday, January 2, 2012

2011 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2012

Hello and hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. I have very much enjoyed time relaxing and having fun with my family this holiday. Now it's time to get back to my blog, art and Etsy shop.
I would like to share some of our holiday food and fun. Hope you enjoy them.
Have a Blessed Happy New Year!

Every year my son gets a puzzle for Christmas. This year I thought it would be nice to place it on the dining table during dinner so everyone could enjoy putting it together. What a fun time everyone had with it. By the time everyone left it still was not finished so my husband and son stayed up until it was done. I believe we have started a new family tradition of having a puzzle on the table at holiday dinner.

A few years back we started a tradition with the food we have on Christmas day. Thanksgiving we do the turkey, stuffing and sides but for Christmas we have it more of a finger food style meal. We make a roast and every one brings a couple of Hor d'oeuvres that they haven't made before. It has been really fun because everyone gets to try something new. My niece and sister made these recipes above. They are both absolutely delicious.

The one on the left is a Crab Meat Spread...

Mix one package imitation crab meat with 1 and a half to 2 packages cream cheese. Season to taste with lemon pepper, garlic and onion powder, Italian seasoning. Mix well. Chill. Serve on scope chips. This can be served cold or lightly warmed. Which ever you prefer. I enjoy it cold..

Cream Cheese Rolls

1 package cream cheese, chopped salami or any type of meat or vegetables you enjoy season to taste and spread on tortillas roll and refrigerate until there cold so you can slice them easier. Serve with toothpick through them. I imagine Ham would be great with this recipe.

Our finished puzzle 2011 Christmas Day.

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Christine!! I love the puzzle you chose- we started a puzzle too, but had to stop when we realized we were missing 4 connected pieces and had a duplicate piece!!! Frustrating- I am calling the puzzle company about it! Best to all of you in the New Year!
