Well this was a class that everyone really enjoyed. They all had different ideas a designs. This project is kinda like the one my grandmother did when I was young. Slightly different she didn't have the chipboard underneath the foil but she painted her design on the foil and put it into a picture frame. I still have the one she made me when I was little in my hope chest.
Material list
Aluminum foil ( heavy guage)
Chipboard or cardboard or board
Pieces of chipboard in different shapes
Fabric Tac glue ( love this stuff)
Glue chipboard pieces to big piece of chipboard. Gentle wrap foil around board. Gentle rub with your thumb on foil so designs raise, being careful not to puncture threw the foil ( don't use your nail).
Glue foil to back. Sharpie the raised designs. make a border, make two holes in the top put string threw and hang.