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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Marble Egg Collection Photo Art

Here are some art photos of my sons marble egg collection. He has collected quite a few for only being 12. He has aquired the eggs in many places New york, Florida, Arizona, Massachusetts are just a few. He has always picked them up when we have visited places but actually when I started looking online there are many places to purchase them, here is one I found  Stone

Below is a photo of a Chinese Marbled Tea Egg Recipe that you make with real eggs, it sounds very interesting. I never knew about marbling eggs with tea. Pretty recipe for the holiday!!
Recipe found at Steamy Kitchen.



  1. Great post - I really love the selection of art work you find / use for your posts! We used to dye eggs for Easter Sunday... but I had a bit of a tendency to break them!

  2. I have a little boy who would be in awe of your son's collection! My youngest son has two marble eggs (he usually picks them up at the gift shops of nature parks). What pretty pictures these make as a collection! Happy Easter, Christine!


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